Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Ethics Journal _Ethical Leadership

Ethics Journal _Ethical Leadership

Q 1. How does Gill suggest you recognize an ethical dilemma? What do you think of his six tests for an ethical dilemma?2. Do you agree that simple compliance with the law is “not equivalent to ethical rightness,” or do you believe that “if it’s legal, it’s moral”? Explain your answer.3. Do you agree with John Maxwell that the only ethical guideline you need for business ethics is the Golden Rule? How does Gill react to Maxwell’s view of business ethics?1. Do you agree with Schmeltekopf that business schools are not preparing students well for the ethical challenges they will face in the workplace? Why or why not?

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The main reason why many ethical dilemmas occur is because of the unstable and unsure decision-making capabilities in an individual at a particular time. The decisions taken at that time are often detrimental, and are possibly against the decision taker’s will or moral principles. The six tests of ethical dilemma according to Gill helps to corroborate the decisions taken, analyzing whether the decision is unethical. Proper care must be taken that the decision taken is permissible under the law to avoid any legal inspections and penalties.